Saundra Little (2002)

The A.R.E. Exams saved my life!
(Like the song “Last night a DJ saved my life“)
By Saundra Little
Licensed 2002

I was very reluctant to write my story for Archstories because I knew I would have to revisit my circumstances during my exam test-taking timeframe. My story of passing my licensing exams is a story of Faith in the middle of adversity.

My resume and credentials do not show the pain behind the scenes in April 2001 when I started my A.R.E. exams. I was in the middle of a horrible divorce and studying for my architectural license at the same time. Studying was my way of focusing on something other than all the troubles surrounded my family at the time. My goal was to focus on anything but my current situation and work towards a better life for my daughter after all of this was over. Continue reading